Friday, September 09, 2005


Met up with Jeanette and Judy for lunch yesterday. Its really been some time since I saw them both! Wow... everyone has changed so much! Its was great to be able to catch up again and talk about all the mischief we went through in secondary school. Those were the crazy days... of terrorising the prefects and teachers!
Class 5B of '95! I'm sure they'll remember us! :P

Aa well, everyone's starting on their own new journeys in life. Jeanette is getting married in October and Judy is getting her Australian P.R and so am I starting on my own 'new road'. Well, all the best to the three of us! Glad our paths crossed along the way! May we always find happiness at the end of whichever road we travel. :)

And oh... on to another topic for the day! (This is the highlight!)

Let's do a countdown...
to Mat's 27 years on this planet!
Today, there's officially 5 days to go!
Hey people, have you bought her presents yet? Time to start thinking what to get!

-No ideas? Clueless? Don't be silly, just give her a call and ask! ;)

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