Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dead pod

I thought my ipod was dead and gone for good today.
No signs of life whatsoever coming from it.
I knew the battery was still half-full yesterday but it just wouldn't turn on or connect to my com.
It didn’t even respond to holding PLAY and MENU down for 10 seconds!
(which was the final measure I took)

Just when I thought this was it, RIP iPod, I decided to go online and check if anyone else had the same problem as me and...voila! I was not alone!
Not only that, me ipod... it's alive again!!!!
The cure: hold MENU and SELECT button for 10 secs.
Thanks so much to this entry in Neil's World about his dead iPod,
mine is alive again! =)

Oh, its times like these that make me wonder what we'll all do without the internet.

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