We had bought it for the house during the CNY and it had been doing pretty well for some time, blooming nice pretty flowers often.
That was till it was struck and attacked by stinky white files, who were sucking the life out of it. :( And leaving a mess behind at the same time.
Why.. these *@#$%&*! files!! *shakes fists at them*
Went online looking for a cure, but it seems like the infestation was in a rather bad stage already. It wasn't really apparent at a glance, just that some of the leaves were looking rather limp but when you looked under the leaves, ewww.. you could see the colonies! Gross...
Oh well, so Mr D decided that the plant had to go, less it infects all the other ones that we had. And its pretty gross knowing there's an infested pot of plant in your house as well. :S So... bye bye planty! :(
Planty in its better days
Another last look of it in its best
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