Sunday, September 25, 2005

How fragile life is

This morning got to feel how fragile life can be from some sudden news.
One day you're up and about and the next, you're gone, snuffed out like a candle flame.
Geez, it sorta makes me cherish everyone and everything around me so much more. The importance of letting them know how much they really mean to you coz you might not always have the chance to say bye. That's how sudden it can be. And its really sad when I think of it, if you missed out letting them know how much they meant to you.

So, here's something to you from me:

I'm hoping you'll read this blog. I'm on the topic of "telling people how much they mean to you" and it relates to you and me. I'm one of those people who sometimes find it hard to say "I love you". I guess I always assume you know it, and that I don't need to say it. I also don't want to feel awkward or be embarrassed, so I tend to avoid telling you how I really feel. The truth is that I love you so much, and feel very lucky to have you in my life. Maybe this little announcement is unexpected. Perhaps you are surprised to begetting this from my blog. But now that I've told you this way, I hope to be able to tell you "I Love you" more often. I just wanted you to know. Okay, now that you do, you can go on with your surfing.

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